
F IRST C ORPS E VENT 24 Volume 29, Issue 2 Preservation & Progress Additional Donation = ______ PAYMENT */'03."5*0/ : ☐ Enclosed is my check made payable to Gettysburg Foundation TOTAL = ______ CHARGE TO: ☐ American Express ☐ Discover ☐ Mastercard ☐ Visa Name on Card:_________________________ Card Number:_______________________________ Expiration Date:_____ /_____ Signature:_______________________________________________ Please return registration form to Friends of Gettysburg, P.O. Box 4629, Gettysburg, PA 17325 For more information, visi t www.gettysburg GPVOEBUJPO .org or call 717.339.2148 Name:___________________________________________ Member #:_____________________ Address:________________________________ City/State/Zip:___________________________ Telephone:__________________________ Email:______________________________________ Guest(s):________________________________________________________________________ Number of Members and their Guest ______ x $160.00 per person = ______ Registration for the Friday Evening Program and Reception, and the Saturday All-Day Program including Lunch, A N E XCLUSIVE O PPORTUNITY FOR F IRST C ORPS M EMBERS ! Friday, September 7, 2018 Gettysburg Rebels: Five Native Sons Who Came Home to Fight as Confederate Soldiers with Author TomMcMillan This program begins at 7:00 p.m. at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center. Preceeded by a reception with cash car and heavy hors d’oeuvres from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Did you know that FIVE young men who grew up in Gettysburg fought for the Confederate Army in the great Civil War battle here—foreign invaders in their old hometown? Did you know that the oft-repeated legend of Wesley Culp might need some factchecking? And do you know the stories behind the “Wentz House” sign near the Peach Orchard and the “C.W. Homan House” sign on Chambersburg Street? Author TomMcMillan will delve into all that and more when he speaks about his book, Gettysburg Rebels . Saturday, September 8, 2018 Guided Tour: “… If I Deemed It Practicable…”: Stuart’s Ride to the Potomac with Licensed Battlefield Guides Chris Army and Britt Isenberg This tour will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Gettysburg Museum and Visitor Center. We will then travel by coach bus to Rector’s Crossroads, Salem, VA and Fairfax Courthouse, VA and return to Gettysburg at approximately 5:30 p.m. There are plenty of recurring controversies about why Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia failed during the Gettysburg Campaign, but few have been scrutinized as ardently as General J.E.B. Stuart’s ride around the Army of the Potomac and into Pennsylvania. The largest number of interpretations usually culminate with detractions against Lee’s famous subordinate, although ironically little attention has been paid to the nuance of the strategy as it was proposed, understood and ultimately executed from top to bottom and vice versa. Join us as we travel to Fauquier County, Virginia to get the orders with General Stuart at Rector’s Crossroads. We will follow Stuart’s route of advance towards the Potomac River, examining in more detail the “whys”, “hows” and “what ifs” on the start of his famous ride. J OIN US FOR A FULL - DAY TOUR FOLLOWING J.E.B. S TUART ’ S R IDE