6 Volume 29, Issue 2 Preservation & Progress By Chris Stein, Acting Superintendent* FRoM THE PARK First, please know just how honored I am to serve on a temporary basis as your National Park Service superintendent at this globally significant national park. Equally so, my park staff and I are honored to serve as partners with the Gettysburg Foundation. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been wondering… “How does it feel to be such an exemplary partner with the National Park Service?” Recently, I handed out a small green booklet to the senior management teams of both the Gettysburg Foundation and Gettysburg National Military Park. This booklet, entitled Brian O’Neill’s 21 Partnership Success Factors , reflects Brian’s best practice partnership findings after serving more than two decades as superintendent of Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. Brian was an NPS legend in the world of park partnerships, and I thank him for serving as a role model for me and many others teaching us what he knew about these unique partnership relationships we have with one another. Most of you reading this have had long-term relationships with another human being. “What have you learned from that relationship? As wonderful as I hope it has been for you, has it always been easy? Have you ever had to step out of yourself to be able to view things from a different perspective to make your relationship succeed?” Park partnerships are no different. *Chris Stein is on a temporary assignment as acting superintendent at Gettysburg National Military Park (GETT) and Eisenhower National Historic Site (EISE) through mid-July. His regular assignment is Chief of Heritage Areas and Partnerships in the NPS Midwest Region. TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS at Gettysburg’s Museum and Visitor Center Left: Cleaning and restoration of the New York State Memorial.
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