
Mike began his “authority” career in 1999 when he was hired as Lancaster Area Sewer Authority’s (LASA) fourth ever Execu Ɵ ve Director. He will be re Ɵ ring in September of 2024 a Ō er 25 years of service to the authority. Under Mike’s vision and leadership, LASA grew from 17,000 customers in 1999 to its current 42,000 customers, becoming one of the largest sewer authori Ɵ es in the Commonwealth. Although he oversaw over $211 Million in capital improvements over his 25 years, he le Ō the authority with debt service costs per customer that were lower than the day he was hired. He was also proud to point to the economies of scale resul Ɵ ng from the authority’s many asset acquisi Ɵ ons, resul Ɵ ng in lower opera Ɵ ng costs per customer. He is a Past President of PMAA and chairs their Wastewater Legisla Ɵ ve Subcommi Ʃ ee and Organiza Ɵ onal Development Commi Ʃ ee, he has also served on the Conference Commi Ʃ ee. He is a Board Member of Pennsylvania One Call and their Treasurer and is a Past President of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Associa Ɵ on. In 2004 he received the Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence for his contribu Ɵ ons to local government in the Commonwealth. In 2008 he was the recipient of PMAA’s L.W. “Red” Davis Award and in 2011 received PMAA’s William H. Markus Award following Markus’s example of honesty, integrity, fairness, e ffi ciency and fiscal responsibility. In 2019, he received PMAA’s Sahli Service Award for 20 years of service to the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority. Mike earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Technology from Penn State University in 1976, received a Masters of Environmental Pollu Ɵ on Control from the same school, with a Cer Ɵ ficate in Finance, and fell one credit short of a Masters Degree in Public Administra Ɵ on, also from the same school. A Ō er a brief s Ɵ nt as a Medical Technologist, Mike began his career in wastewater in 1979 as a chemist with the Springe Ʃ sbury Township regional wastewater u Ɵ lity, working his way up to Director of Wastewater a Ō er 20 years with the Township before moving to authority management at LASA in 1999. Mike is a lifelong volunteer. He was a founding member and Treasurer of his local watershed alliance. He volunteered in numerous capaci Ɵ es with the Water Environment Federa Ɵ on (WEF), including Pennsylvania Delegate to their House of Delegates, a Community of Prac Ɵ ce Director, their representa Ɵ ve on the ABC Board of Directors, and con Ɵ nues to chair their Operator Advisory Panel. He also chairs the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Water Environment Technology Program Occupa Ɵ onal Advisory Council and is a long- Ɵ me member and past chair of the State Board for Cer Ɵ fica Ɵ on of Water and Wastewater Operators. He also co- chairs the Lower Susquehanna Water Resources Regional Commi Ʃ ee. He has authored more than 40 ar Ɵ cles on various aspects of u Ɵ lity opera Ɵ on, maintenance, management, and leadership in magazines including PMAA’s The Authority , the Pennsylvania Water Environment Associa Ɵ on’s The Keystone Water Quality Manager , and WEF’s Water Environment Research and Water Environment & Technology . Mike is happily married to Janet and they enjoy their 4 children and 5 grandchildren. He con Ɵ nues to be a faithful Penn State football fan despite some down years. We will miss you Mike. Happy Re Ɵ rement!  M IKE K YLE , E XECUTIVE D IRECTOR OF L ANCASTER A REA S EWER A UTHORITY , R ETIRES AFTER 25 Y EARS WITH THE A UTHORITY AND 45 Y EARS IN THE I NDUSTRY