Government Commi Ʃ ee and referred to the full House. HB 2241 (RepresentaƟve Joshua Siegel - Lehigh) provides for safe disposal of lithium-ion ba Ʃ eries. The legisla Ɵ on would assist ba Ʃ ery manufacturers in crea Ɵ ng a statewide stewardship program for lithium-ion ba Ʃ eries. The bill was reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Commi Ʃ ee on June 4 th by a vote of 14- 11. The bill has been re-commi Ʃ ed to the House Rules Commi Ʃ ee. SB 1138 (Senator Lynda Culver - Columbia) reauthorizes the Geospa Ɵ al Coordina Ɵ ng Board for another four years. The Board’s focus is to provide advice and recommenda Ɵ ons to the Governor and the ci Ɵ zens of the Commonwealth on geospa Ɵ al issues and provide uniform data standards, coordina Ɵ on and e ffi ciency in geospa Ɵ al policy and technology issues among Federal, State and local government agencies, academic ins Ɵ tu Ɵ ons and the private sector. PMAA is represented on the board. The bill passed the Senate and the House and was signed by the governor on June 30 th . SB 1247 (Senator Nick Miller - Lehigh) known as the “Pennsylvania Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act” provides $10 million in state funds to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to be used LegislaƟon HB 775 (RepresentaƟve Timothy Twardzik - Schuylkill) allows communi Ɵ es to create and maintain a vacant property registra Ɵ on to deter blight and to stabilize and re- develop communi Ɵ es. The bill passed the House last November, reported out of the Senate Urban A ff airs and Housing Commi Ʃ ee, and re-referred to Senate Appropria Ɵ ons Commi Ʃ ee on June 10 th . HB 1423 (RepresentaƟve Carol Kazeem - Delaware) amends the Municipali Ɵ es Financial Recovery Act to provide that a distressed municipality and receiver obtain approval from 75 percent of governing bodies of municipali Ɵ es which have service agreements or whose residents receive water or sewer from the distressed municipality or authority prior to the sale of the water or sewer system. The bill was reported out of the House Local Government Commi Ʃ ee on June 5 th by a vote of 15- 10. The bill has been re-commi Ʃ ed to the House Rules Commi Ʃ ee. HB 1442 (RepresentaƟve Stephanie Borowski - Delaware) amends the Water Services Act (Act 28 of 2006) for certain ci Ɵ es of the third class to receive specific approvals when termina Ɵ ng a municipal authority that provides water or sewer service to municipali Ɵ es outside the city. The bill was voted (15-10), as amended from the House Local G OVERNMENT R ELATIONS U PDATE for grants to authori Ɵ es and local governments to help them address cybersecurity risks and threats. The bill was introduced on June 21, 2024 and referred to Senate Veterans A ff airs and Emergency Preparedness Commi Ʃ ee. Act 12 “Fair Market Value” Reform A Ō er extensive feedback from stakeholders, including PMAA, the Pennsylvania Public U Ɵ lity Commission issued a Final Supplemental Implementa Ɵ on Order that includes four revisions to Sec Ɵ on 1329 of the Public U Ɵ lity Code. The order was adopted at the Commission’s June 13 th mee Ɵ ng. The revisions are designed to increase public involvement and ensure greater consistency in the process for reviewing and evalua Ɵ ng the acquisi Ɵ on and valua Ɵ on of municipal or authority-owned water and wastewater systems under Sec Ɵ on 1329. The revisions include: • Requires u Ɵ li Ɵ es to conduct at least two in-person public hearings prior to execu Ɵ ng an asset purchase agreement • Enhanced no Ɵ fica Ɵ on to the public on the poten Ɵ al impact the transac Ɵ on would have on rates • Establishes a Reasonableness Review Ra Ɵ o data set that reaches ten years to help the commission decide on the prudency of applica Ɵ ons for acquisi Ɵ ons • Establishes default weights for appraisals: 1/3 for cost, 1/3 for market, and 1/3 for income
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