
RegulaƟons Final PFAS NaƟonal Primary Drinking Water RegulaƟon On April 26, 2024 the US Environmental Protec Ɵ on Agency published its “Final PFAS Na Ɵ onal Primary Drinking Water Regula Ɵ on” in the Federal Register. The EPA is se ƫ ng enforceable Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) at 4.0 parts per trillion for PFOA and PFAS, individually. For PFNA, PFHxS, and HFPO-DA, the MCL is 10 parts per trillion. Within three years (2024-2027) ini Ɵ al monitoring must be completed; star Ɵ ng in three years (2027-2029), monitoring results must be included in Consumer Confidence Reports; and in five years (star Ɵ ng in 2029), water systems must comply with all the MCLs. Drinking water systems will be able to choose frommul Ɵ ple treatment op Ɵ ons to remove the contaminants and comply with the MCLs. EPA Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule On May 30 th , the US Environmental Protec Ɵ on Agency published the proposed “Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule” in the Federal Register. This rule would provide a regulatory framework for states, public water systems, and communi Ɵ es they serve to iden Ɵ fy and assess restructuring op Ɵ ons for systems that struggle to provide safe drinking water. There are three main elements to the rule: new mandatory assessment authority for states; requirements for performing mandatory restructuring assessments; and eligibility requirements for incen Ɵ ves for public water to restructure. The EPA defines “restructuring” as a change in the management, ownership, opera Ɵ ons, or physical infrastructure of a water system that is intended to improve the water system's capacity to provide safe drinking water. Under the proposed rule, a wide range of restructuring op Ɵ ons are possible, including sharing of operators or equipment, debt restructuring, new treatment technology, interconnec Ɵ on with another water system, changes in ownership or the merger of two or more separate water systems into a new, combined water system. Comments were due July 29, 2024. PMAA submi Ʃ ed comments on the proposed rule which are available by contac Ɵ ng PMAA. 