
H IGHLIGHTS OF PMAA’ S A NNUAL C ONFERENCE & T RADE S HOW H›ÙÝ«›ù Lʗ¦› Ι CÊÄò›Äã®ÊÄ C›Äã›Ù  S›Öã›Ã›Ù 15 - 18, 2024 Moving Forward - the theme of this year’s conference and trade show highlights the importance of always con Ɵ nuing to move forward, growing and evolving, and con Ɵ nuing to learn. Many opportuni Ɵ es await you to grow, evolve, and learn at the conference. With a wide range of diverse educa Ɵ onal sessions and member networking and engagement, the conference is sure to open doors that will help you and your authority meet the challenges you face while propelling you forward. Educa Ɵ onal sessions will address: Management  Best prac Ɵ ces for authority public mee Ɵ ngs  Solar opportuni Ɵ es  Alterna Ɵ ve rate structures  Asset management  Operator-Engineer Rela Ɵ onship  Stormwater programs and fees and the latest on relevant case law and pending cases  Ethics Act – learn what it is, how it is enforced, and how to comply  Cybersecurity protec Ɵ on CommunicaƟons  Digital public rela Ɵ ons  Social media – learn how to leverage social media and crea Ɵ vely engage your customers and stakeholders Legal/LiƟgaƟon  Legal liability mi Ɵ ga Ɵ on  Latest court cases, legisla Ɵ on, new laws, and regula Ɵ ons impac Ɵ ng municipal authori Ɵ es Technical and Regulatory  Tank project – understanding the process from start to finish  Op Ɵ mizing treatment facility performance  Lead service replacement program – inventory, planning, design, construc Ɵ on, funding, and communica Ɵ on/public outreach  PFAS surface water treatment plant  New water-loss technologies and management techniques  PFAS comprehensive overview and biosolids management  DEP and EPA drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater new regula Ɵ ons and policy ini Ɵ a Ɵ ves Financial  Investments – understanding short-term, long-term, permi Ʃ ed investments, and bond proceeds  Timely bid management issues  Small water and wastewater systems – learn methods to assess and develop system-wide needs and associated costs Human Resources  Full service human rela Ɵ ons from selec Ɵ on phase to implementa Ɵ on  Employee problems – learn powerful steps for analyzing and addressing them We look forward to seeing you in Hershey and Moving Forward together! F OR DETAILS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS , USE OUR CONFERENCE APP ! • Important informa Ɵ on and updates about the conference • Customizable schedules • Session details including loca Ɵ ons and Ɵ mes • Informa Ɵ on on speakers and exhibitors • Hotel maps • View and download presenta Ɵ ons