
12 The Authority | February 2025 A ward -W inning A uthorities and T heir I nnovative A pproaches to S trategic C ommunication and C ommunity E ngagement Municipal authorities are a success story that needs to be told. Each day, authorities implement innovative solutions to meet complex challenges, provide services to meet the basic human needs of Pennsylvania residents, and create opportunities for community growth and enhancement. To showcase members’ successes, PMAA created the Municipal Authority Community Engagement Award to recognize the successful efforts of authorities that have excelled in effectively communicating the value of their authority to the community while providing exceptional service. Each year the winners are recognized at the PMAA annual conference. This year, three member authorities were honored in the following categories: • Overall Best of Show - North Penn Water Authority (NPWA) for their “Going Viral” campaign • Electronic Communications – Dormont Stormwater Authority • Community Events – Dormont Stormwater Authority • Partnerships – Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) • Internal Communications – North Penn Water Authority (NPWA) To the right and on following pages are details of the exemplary efforts behind the award-winning projects of these authorities and the ways in which they executed them. T ransforming C hallenges into S uccess : S chuylkill C ounty M unicipal A uthority ’ s R ole in P enn DOT SR61 R econstruction and M ill C reek T rail P rojects By Patrick M. Caulfield, P.E., Executive Director, Schuylkill County Municipal Authority The Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) has demonstrated the power of collaboration and innovation through its integral role in the current PennDOT SR61 Reconstruction Project and the Schuylkill River Greenway Association (SRGA) Mill Creek Trail initiative. By establishing multi-faceted partnerships and pioneering cost-effective solutions, SCMA has laid the groundwork for successful infrastructure development in Schuylkill County. A Complex Undertaking with Seamless Collaboration The $115 million Frackville-St. Clair SR61-014M Highway Reconstruction Project, slated to span from 2024 through 2028, presented significant engineering and logistical challenges. SCMA’s proactive approach and strategic partnerships played a pivotal role in addressing these complexities, ensuring the project’s success while safeguarding essential public services. Highlights of SCMA’s Contributions: • Utility Pipeline Relocation: SCMA provided a dedicated utility corridor for waterline relocation, enabling PennDOT to proceed with major construction without service interruptions. This innovative approach reduced costs and improved efficiency. • Land Sales for Construction: SCMA sold 22 acres of land, strategically positioned between north- and southbound SR61, to PennDOT. This move facilitated the installation of stormwater management structures critical to the project. Continued on page 34.