
16 The Authority | February 2025 On April 27, 2016, the Borough of Dormont Stormwater Authority passed a resolution authorizing the collection of a stormwater fee. It was a big step toward the municipality’s goal of managing its stormwater more effectively and complying with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) regulations - but it didn’t happen overnight. Authority Background From 2012 to 2016, Dormont Borough researched and developed a plan for funding stormwater in the municipality through public meetings, outreach mailings to residents and a Stormwater Committee charged with identifying stormwater issues. In 2015 the Committee shared their research and recommendations with Dormont Borough Council and held public workshops in conjunction with the Saw Mill Run Watershed Association. On August 3, 2015, the Borough of Dormont Stormwater Authority was formed through Ordinance No. 1609. The Authority submitted its Articles of Incorporation to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State in October 2015 and received official approval on February 4, 2016. On March 23, 2016, the Authority held its first public meeting and organized its Board of Directors. Authority Structure The Borough of Dormont Stormwater Authority is a separate entity from the Borough of Dormont, which was incorporated in 1909 and is situated on .9 square miles in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. The Borough has a service population of nearly 8,258 residents according to the most recent census data. The Authority, with its five-member Board of Directors, meets monthly and oversees funding for operation and maintenance (O&M) of the borough’s stormwater system; administers the mandated MS4 permit requirements, and designs, funds and constructs capital improvements in the stormwater system. The Authority also carries out an extensive public outreach program that includes newsletters, workshops, training, and participation at community events. Since 2020, the Authority has included a focus on the installation of green infrastructure solutions. The Authority has been able to leverage stormwater fees to obtain $1.3 million in state grant funding for stormwater management. Fee Structure Owners of single-family homes pay a flat fee of $8.00/month based on one Equivalent Stormwater Unit or ESU. An ESU is the median amount of impervious surface found on a single family residence (SFR) property in Dormont. Multi-family units are charged using a multiple of the ESU: • 2 Family – 1.25/ESU ($10.00/month) • 3 Family – 1.50/ESU ($12.00/month) D ormont S tormwater A uthority BoroughofDormont StormwaterAuthority 1444HillsdaleAvenue Pittsburgh,PA 15216 412.561.8900 x240 S UMMER -2024 N EWS C ONTACT U S manager@dormontstorm water.org Follow us @DSWAuthority Like us @ https://www.facebook .com/Borough-of-Dormont- Sto rmwater-Authority Join a virtual meeting – 3 rd Wednesdays 6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/837 09154068 FROM THE A UTHORITY B OARD AND S TAFF ! To All Dormont Property Owners : The Stormwater Authority in cooperation with the Dormont Shade Tree Commission, Urban Plantscapes, Eisler Nurseries, and the W. PA Conservancy are once again sponsoring a residential tree planting for the FALL of 2024. Please visit: www.dormontstormwater.org to register for a free tree planting in your front yard with technical assistance for planting and care. Residential Tree Planting Program The stormwater work continues on Piedmont, Eastmont, and Latonia Avenues as part of the long-term project to control flooding in low-lying areas. Please be patient with the interruptions and construction material – it will lead to permanent improvements for residents. The Stormwater Authority received great news from Senator Wayne Fontana’s Office – additionalgrant funds in theamountof$200,000 from the PA Small Water and Sewer program were awarded to complete a stormwater project in Dormont Park. This project will include the installationofawater retentionsystemunder the park surface along Dormont Avenue and a rain garden to retain thewateralong thehillside.This project is designed to meet the state requirement to reduce the total maximum daily load of pollutants into the watershed. Thank you Senator Fontana for your continued support! E SPY A VENUE P ARKING L OT R AIN G ARDEN P ROJECT We are pleased to announce that the Stormwater Authority is installing a second rain garden to control runoff from parking surfaces in the Espy Avenue Parking Lot. This project will include the placement of storm underdrains, landscaping material, and perennial plantings and will slow the stormwater run- off during rain events which helps to eliminate flooding and overflows. Continued on page 51. “We feel that it is our responsibility to encourage sustainable practices and green options as an alternative to just building bigger and more expensive infrastructure. By providing educational material on our website, social media, and newsletters, and hosting "green events" we have been able to engage the public to install rain gardens, plant trees, and adopt best practices. We believe that if everyone does a little, we can make a huge impact on our clean water goals."   Deborah Grass, Authority Manager