
municipalauthorities.org | 3 E ditor ’ s N ote Reprint permission: Some articles may be available, in whole or in part, for reprint; however written permission must be obtained. Permission can be obtained by contacting Jennifer Case at case @ municipalauthorities.org. Requests must be received in writing. Statement of ownership: The Authority is published bi-monthly by the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association, 1000 North Front Street, Suite 401, Wormleysburg, PA 17043. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Authority at this address. Advertising & Sales questions: Mandi E. Glantz, CAE at glantz@municipalauthorities.org. Comments/Questions: Jennifer Case a t case @municipalauthorities.org . Copyright © 2024 by the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. Statement of facts and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors. Publication of articles and advertisements does not reflect any direct or implied endorsement of the author’s views. Douglas E. Bilheimer Publisher Jennifer L. Case Editor Mandi E. Glantz, CAE Advertising Kimberly A. Wenrich Layout & Design June 2024 Volume 56, No. 3 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association 1000 North Front Street, Suite 401 Wormleysburg, PA 17043 Phone: 717-737-7655 Fax: 717-737-8431 info@municipalauthorities.org www.municipalauthorities.org facebook.com/pamunicipalauthorities linkedin.com/company/ pamunicipalauthorities/ This year, Moving Forward is PMAA’s conference theme. This issue of The Authority showcases member authorities doing just that – moving forward with progressive practices, upgrades, expansions, continual operational improvements, new technologies, and reinvestments into their systems. By doing so, they meet the needs of their customers providing reliable, quality service at sustainable and affordable rates. Coupled with their infrastructure growth and successes are their desire and commitment to their communities. From watershed and source water protection through acid mine drainage cleanup, reforestation, land reclamation, and land preservation to recreational opportunities for biking, hiking, fishing, and enjoying beautiful scenery on undisturbed land, these authorities share how they are pursuing these undertakings and the importance of giving back to their communities. Update/Clarification: In the April issue, the article titled PA Senate Committee Scrutinizes Water Privatization in Philly Suburbs (p. 26) by Kenny Cooper, stated that Willistown Township’s sewer system was taken over by Aqua Pennsylvania in 2022. Please note that Willistown voted to terminate the Asset Purchase Agreement with Aqua in April of 2023, and the system is, and continues to remain, municipally owned and operated.