
54 The Authority | June 2024 Four Board Member Training Workshops (three held in person statewide and one held virtually) were hosted this Spring with a total attendance of 229. These annual workshops are designed for board members (new or veteran), managers, consultants, and authority staff and highlight key duties and responsibilities of the board including updates on finance, human resources, ethics, board-manager-engineer-solicitor relations, legal issues and an overview of the Municipality Authorities Act and related laws. If you happened to miss attending a session, the virtual workshop is available for viewing at your convenience. For details contact Kim Wenrich at wenrich@municipalauthorities.org . S PMAA B oard M ember T raining Held annually, two management workshops were offered (East and West locations) this Spring for members providing training for authority managers, administrators, board members, and consultants and addressed managing authorities, operations, and procedures, and timely legislative and regulatory issues facing authorities and the communities they serve. Speakers from DEP, PENNVEST, and PMAA industry consultants shared the latest water and sewer information. S PMAA M anagement W orkshop Region 5 PMAA S pring R egional M eetings Region 1 PMAA Educational Opportunities - A Great Success! Thank you to the PMAA Regional Directors for their continued efforts in bringing members together for networking, education, and legislator interactions at regional meetings. S Senator Cris Dush