municipalauthorities.org | 19 m oney , m oney , m oney , Where Is It ? a nd hoW do I get It ? By Tori Morgan, LO, Director of Funding, Regulatory Relations and Compliance, Entech Engineering, Inc. Money, Money, Money, where is it? And how do I get it? What is the best way to fund projects that municipalities, authorities, and utilities desperately need? Let’s talk about some helpful tips and tricks to get you on the path to funding success. $. The application process can be hard and cumbersome. Is it really worth the effort to apply? It's foolish NOT to apply for a grant or loan. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. More than 90% of the paperwork and effort required to assemble a grant package must be completed anyway, so if you’re serious about a project, why not get help paying for it? Plus, obtaining funding puts deadlines in place so the entire planning and potentially the design process needed for infrastructure improvements will be completed rather than sit on a back burner when other emergencies hit. $. How do I know what funding opportunities are out there, and which are right for my project? There are likely agencies and opportunities you don't even know about. Google search is not the best option in this case. One recommendation is to start by visiting the funding agencies to gather more information. Here is a list of places to start: Commonwealth Financing Authority, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, PA DEP, PennDOT, FEMA/ PEMA, EPA, PENNVEST, RUS, IRA, and PA DCNR. For example, the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (PA DCED) has a grant and funding search. Another option is to reach out to an agency or firm that offers funding support services. For instance, Entech Engineering has an experienced Funding Team to assist with all your funding needs. Your funding fairy is out there! Always remember that timing and planning are key elements to understand when applying for funding. Many funding opportunities, such as DCED’s Local Share Account (LSA) Small Water and Sewer (SWS) and H20 grants, require that any action prior to funding award would invalidate the award. Other funding opportunities have a highly variable award date, and if you have a priority project that has a tight timeline, it is imperative to understand the award timing. $. How do I know if I am far enough along with a project to request funding? How do I prepare? Different agencies require projects to be at different stages in order to submit applications for a funding opportunity. For instance, the PENNVEST application process requires that design and all required permitting must be in place before you apply for funding, however for Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA) grants through the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), the Local Share Account (LSA), Small Water and Sewer (SWS) and H20 grant application do not require design or permits to be in place. It's important to understand the guidelines for your funding application source, as this may drive your decision based on the timing of the project. Preparing for a funding application should be organic. In other words, much of the preparation work should be happening naturally with your team as you strategically plan projects for your operations. It is important to have a list and brief description of projects prioritized. Talk with your neighboring communities to see if there is an option for joint projects. Joint projects for many funding agencies take priority and get additional attention from legislators. To the best of your ability, have a budget available for your projects and create a timeline for proposed completion. Having all this information will help expedite the funding process. $. Patience, flexibility, and managing expectations are critical. Nobody can predict the future. We never know whose wish list will be granted, or how many utilities will go after certain funds, or even when some grants will be awarded. We keep tabs on what types of projects have the greatest rates of Continued on page 43.
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