
Legal Tax Service has 21 years experience, the professional staffing, printing and billing equipment, phone system, software and full legal department with over 40 years of municipal law experience to assume your sewer authority’s billing, processing, and collections. Since 1994, Legal Tax Service’s primary focus has been the billing, processing, and collection of local sewage fees throughout Western Pennsylvania. Currently LTS has fully integrated the PAWC’s new SAP usage data into a seamless, simple system and has increased our capabilities to service municipalities and sewer authorities throughout the state. Call Legal Tax today and let us customize a municipal sewage collections and billing contract that will not only meet the needs of your authority, but exceed them. Associate member of PMAA Current & Delinquent Billing Collection In-House Call Center Quarterly Terminations Billing Free Monthly Status Reports Don’t leave your sewage billing to CHANCE! Are your municipality's sewage bills correct? Is your current collector or system interpreting the PAWC’s SAP usage data correctly or efficiently? Are your phone lines constantly ringing with billing questions? Can your municipality connect and reconnect with a push of a button? Is your current process fully integrated? If not, LTS is your turn key solution.