30 The Authority | December 2024 1000 North Front Street, Suite 401, Wormleysburg, PA 17043 717-737-7655 . 717-737-8431(f) . info@municipalauthorities.org m u n i c i p a l a u t h o r i t i e s . o r g House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee Public Hearing on HB 2189 P.N. 2859 September 17, 2024 Testimony of: Mike Kyle, Lancaster Area Sewer Authority, Executive Director, Retired Good morning, Chairman Matzie, Chairman Marshall, and members of the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee. Thank you for your invitation to provide testimony on HB 2189 P.N. 2859 by Chairman Matzie. My name is Mike Kyle, and I am testifying on behalf of the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association (PMAA). I am recently retired as Executive Director of the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority (LASA) and currently an officer on the LASA Board. LASA is a public wastewater utility committed to providing unparalleled service to residents and businesses in all our service areas. Founded in 1965 by six incorporating municipalities, LASA is governed by a 7-member Board of Directors and presently serves nine municipalities. LASA is a non-profit, public agency and our activities and services are funded via revenue from our wastewater customers. Our dedicated employees work 24/7 to provide wastewater services to over 40,000 customers, including about 1,400 businesses. LASA is among the ten largest sewer authorities in the Commonwealth. PMAA represents more than 700 municipal authorities across the Commonwealth, the vast majority of which provide drinking water and wastewater treatment services to more than six million citizens. If you live in Pennsylvania, you are likely within the service area of at least one authority. In addition, PMAA has more than 500 associate members, such as certified public accountants, engineers, and solicitors, who provide services to authorities. HB 2189 amends the Underground Utility Line Protection Law (PA One Call) to extend the expiring sunset date another seven years as well as make various other changes. Key changes are as follows: • Adds, expands and updates definitions • Further clarifies the duties of designers, excavators, facility owners, and project owners • Requires designers to submit design ticket notifications to the PA One Call System before preparing construction drawings • Bolsters the damage prevention committee by increasing its membership and expanding its duties • Increases compliance orders and administrative penalties for violations To provide some background, the PA One Call Law includes specific provisions for municipal authorities requiring them to be members of the PA One Call System. As facility owners, they must identify the names of counties and municipalities where their lines are located, provide information
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