!" !"#$%&'"()*'+ !!"!!#$%$&'$(!)*)+ moment for solar integration. Advancements in solar technology, coupled with various governmental incentives and favorable financing options, make the implementation of solar arrays increasingly accessible and financially viable. Public policy forcefully encourages a solar self-generation option, and ratepayers deserve to receive the full financial benefit of available cost incentives and subsidies. Immediate Benefits of Solar Adoption 1. Financial Viability: Solar installations yield immediate financial benefits through reduced energy bills, thereby bolstering the financial health of authority operations. 2. Community Engagement: Demonstrating a commitment to renewable energy fosters positive community engagement. Residents and stakeholders often appreciate and support sustainable initiatives, further solidifying the utility’s rapport with the public. 3. Future-Proofing Operations: Investing in solar arrays shields the utility against future energy price fluctuations, providing stability and predictability in operational costs. This supports simpler annual cost budgeting and more stable user rates. In sum, municipal authorities can significantly benefit from solar energy with tangible savings. By not capitalizing on available land, perpetuating high energy costs, and neglecting or ignoring the long-term benefits of solar self- generation, these utilities risk hindering their financial health and missing out on crucial sustainability and cost-reducing opportunities. Embracing solar energy presents a clear pathway toward cost reduction, non-rate revenue generation, and sustainable practices for Pennsylvania’s municipal authorities. S For further information, contact Steve Crimmel at scrimmel@srenergyllc.com or Seth Berry at sberry@srenergyllc.com. Doug Berry is CEO of Solar Renewable Energy, LLC at dberry@srenergyllc.com . Solar article continued from page 51. !"#$%&'()*+,*$-./ -./ gement &'(')#*#($ '1*/*2%&%/$ !""#$%&'(')#*#($ 0##% '1*/*2%&%/ Wastewater ewater Rate Stu R d SYSTEM EVALUATION Water Water Tapping Fees Plannin Funding Stormwater St r w Regulatory Compliance System Evaluation a !"#$$%$& 3+*//-/2 !"#$%&"$%' 4* 5* 6 !"#$% 4*$%6 !"##$%&'())* 7*88-/2 9%%# !"##$%&'())* 7*88-/2 9%%# PLANNING WASTEWATER WATER WATER STORMWATER ASSET MANAGEMENT RATE STUDIES LATORY COMPLIANCE TAPPING FEES &'()*+,*$-./ ' +,* - !"#$%&#'()$* :*$%'!$,;-%# !"#$%&'"($ $.6&5*$%6 !"#$%#& 9,/;-/2 '()*+,(-.%/&01" $.6"'<.&8+-*/=% FUNDING GDFENGINEERS.COM
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