
municipalauthorities.org | 33 screens are inspected regularly to clear obstructions and keep the facility functioning as designed. Vegetation coverage is inspected each spring and native plantings are reestablished, if necessary. With both BMPs, repairs are made promptly when any problems are found. Following regular maintenance schedules and manufacturer specifications helps ensure proper, long-lasting function of each facility. Summary The Dallas Area Municipal Authority implemented an important stormwater management project to meet regulatory goals and benefit the community. By working with ARRO Consulting, DAMA successfully installed 14 Best Management Practices, including constructed wetlands and dry extended detention basins. These green infrastructure facilities filter pollutants like sediment, nutrients, and metals out of stormwater runoff through natural processes before runoff enters local waterways. Their water treatment primarily impacts the Toby Creek watershed by improving water quality. In addition, properly designed wetlands and detention basins attenuate peak storm flows, reducing erosion and flood damage. DAMA's use of these multifunctional BMPs and commitment to ongoing maintenance help ensure sustained water resource protection and flood reduction into the future. These projects serve as a fantastic model for modern municipal stormwater management. S About the Authors: Brad Underkoffler is a professional engineer at ARRO Consulting, Inc. working in the fields of land development, stormwater management, pipe network analysis, erosion and sediment control, water resources, permitting, and construction. Mike Schober is a professional engineer at ARRO Consulting, Inc. with experience in all facets of water and wastewater system treatment, distribution and collection.