By definition a business’ philosophy is a set of core beliefs, principles or objectives underlying a business. It is this philosophy that serves as the basis for the everyday operations of a business.
ACS philosophy consists of a strong commitment to integrity at the highest level. Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.
Along with integrity our philosophy consists of the following as well:
- Honesty
- Professionalism
- Communication
- Environmental Awareness
- Quality Control
- Added Value
- Consistency
ACS expects every employee to convey the same amount of integrity and values they would anticipate in a service provider they seek. By adopting this idea, we look at our clients as an extension of the ACS family. You can expect that your experience with ACS will be the same for each project we work on for you. We treat our clients as we wish to be treated with a common goal achieved through communication, superior service and quality that is second to none.
Secondly, our Philosophy includes sensitivity to the viability of our environment. After all what would we have without our natural resources. We are proud to offer Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance Certified products. We also offer soy inks as well as a variety of recycled papers.
Third, in order to maintain the highest quality product, it is extremely important to implement a professional quality control process. Each step of your project is highly organized and reviewed each time it moves from one department to the next. ACS works as an entire team, but our individual departments keep the job flowing while at the same time, always keeping customers “in the loop”. Through pro activity we can guarantee you will know what phase your job is in, and when your product will be ready for delivery.