www.pachiefs.orgACT 19 – HB1278 – TELEVISION
Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in other
required equipment, further providing
for television equipment by stipulating
that no motor vehicle shall be operated
on a highway with an image display de-
vice where a broadcast television image,
a live stream video image from the in-
ternet, satellite or any other source or
a prerecorded video image is visible to
the driver while the vehicle is in mo-
tion. The bill provides for exceptions.
Amends Title 35 (Health and Safety), in
emergency telephone service, providing
for prohibited release of information by
adding that in a response to a request
under the Right-to-Know Law, a public
safety answering point (PSAP) may not
release individual identifying informa-
tion of an individual calling a 911 cen-
ter, victim or witness. The bill provides
for applicability and definitions.
Amends Title 75 (Vehicles), in general
provisions, defining “ignition interlock
limited license” and providing for its is-
suance to individuals whose operating
privileges have been suspended for of-
fenses involving alcohol; providing for
blood testing; in licensing of drivers,
further providing for occupational lim-
ited license and providing for ignition
interlock limited license; and, in driv-
ing after imbibing alcohol or utilizing
drugs, further providing for ignition
interlock and for the offense of illegally
operating a motor vehicle not equipped
with ignition interlock. Eliminates
chemical tests on urine for the purpose
of determining the alcoholic concen-
tration of blood or the presence of a
controlled substance. Further provides
the Department of Transportation shall
issue an interlock limited license only
upon securing proof that one motor ve-
hicle owned, leased, or principally oper-
ated by the person, whichever the per-
son most operates has been equipped
with an approved ignition interlock
system. Provides guidelines related to
timing and repeat offenses.
ACT 34 SB 1108 –
Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) adding
autocycles as a special designation un-
der the definition of motorcycles and
providing for their registration and ti-
tling. Stipulates that autocycles are to
be operated with a motor vehicle li-
cense. Includes other provisions related
to seatbelt requirements, helmets and
windshields. Also provides a combina-
tion of vehicles which is hauling milk to
or from a manufacturer may be permit-
ted by the Department of Transporta-
tion and local authorities to move upon
highways within their respective juris-
dictions 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, except during inclement weather
as defined in the department’s regula-
tions, if the gross weight does not ex-
ceed 95,000 pounds and the weight of
any non-steering axle does not exceed
21,000 pounds. Further provides a per-
mit may be issued for this type of move-
ment upon an interstate highway. An
application to the department for the
movement of milk, except for raw milk,
shall designate the route the applicant
requests to use.
ACT 111 HB 1581 -
Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses)
adding a new section providing for the
offense of strangulation. Provides the
offense shall be graded as a felony of the
second degree if committed against a
family or household member, by a care-
taker against a care-dependent person,
or in conjunction with sexual violence.
Further provides the offense shall be
graded as a felony of the first degree
if the defendant is subject to an active
protection from abuse order or sexual
violence or intimidation protection
order that covers the victim; if the de-
fendant uses an instrument of crime; or
the defendant has previously been con-
victed of enumerated sexual offenses or
equivalent offenses in another jurisdic-
tion. Also provides the offense of stran-
gulation shall otherwise be graded as a
misdemeanor of the second degree. Pro-
vides for definitions of "care-dependent
person", "caretaker", "legal entity", and
"private care residence".
ACT 158 SB 1062 - BURGLARY
Amends Title 18 (Crimes), in burglary
and other criminal intrusions, further
providing for definition of burglary;
penalties related to burglary convic-
tions; and related definition. Requires
the Pennsylvania Commission on Sen-
tencing to provide for a sentence en-
hancement within its guidelines for an
offense under Title 18, section 3502 (a)
(10 (i) relating to burglary).